Liv Thompson is the owner of Awakening Intimacy Healing & Counselling. She completed her Master of Science in Medicine (Sexual & Reproductive Health - Psychosexual Therapy) at University of Sydney and has a Diploma of Counselling. She also has a Master of Teaching and Bachelor of Economics, and spent the last 23 years as a high school teacher and special education consultant. Liv is the proud mum to a sassy mini dachshund ... and two human adult sons.

I really shouldn’t be making light of what is a very personal and distressing time for Adam Levine’s wife first and foremost. And, even though I have been in her position, albeit not as public, I still have some level of empathy for him. This must also be extremely embarrassing at best for Adam.
Having got over the initial shock of the cheating allegations surfacing, (yes!! I am unashamedly a fan of his) I had a giggle at the messages that the women he sent them to shared with the world.
Tone deaf? Cringey? Immature? Or all of the above?
I very recently read an article where a number of sex experts were consulted and asked to give their opinion on the messages. They talk about how some of the messaging is tone deaf (like would you really ask an ex sexting partner if it's OK to name your unborn baby after her, while your wife is currently pregnant?!) They also found it highly entertaining to highlight just how immature and cringey his messaging is. It's even suggested that not only do the messages sound like a teenaged boy, but that sexting is such a teenager thing to do …
While I agree with them to some extent, I feel the need to put in my two-cents worth on the subject! Purely as a sex and relationship expert of course.
Sexting ... Just for the young?
I need to preface what I’m about to say with the confession that I am on dating apps looking for a prince to crown as my new king. And in fact, I prefer dating younger men … don’t judge me, they have all their hair and a lot less baggage. So, I feel that this alone gives me credibility when I say … sexting is a common occurrence amongst single people, irrespective of age, gender, socioeconomics, educational qualifications, or profession (I had a young GP ask to see a pic of my booty!) But even the younger guys that I match with, chat to, and eventually meet up for a coffee can string a more cohesive sentence together than Adam seems to be able to. And they haven't written songs that have won accolades and applause globally.

They are articulate and their attempts at written conversation are (mostly) well structured. They use words that are multi-syllabic and demonstrate an understanding of a range of topics and issues. That doesn’t mean that they have a stick up their you know what! These younger cubs also know how to be cheeky and engage in some fun banter. They’re flirty and playful … a little naughty at times … but respectful(ish) and generally show that they have a good command of language and vocabulary … even if English is not their first language. The men that I swap texts with may be younger than me, but they are definitely well above the age of consent. And have the literacy skills of fully functioning adults, unlike Adam.
Having been a professional high school teacher for more than 20 years, I also have some clue about writing style, techniques, syntax and how to develop a teenager’s writing skills to be more sophisticated. So my critique of Adam Levine’s sexting attempts come from a place of informed and professional knowledge.
Soooo … Absolutely!!! These messages sound like a horny 13-year old school boy who has never seen a naked woman in real life, let alone had sex with one. I’m therefore perplexed as to how someone who writes songs, and the occasional love song at that, tries to impress women with such unsophisticated, immature dribble!
From Adam?
Given all of this, I do wonder if it was really him? I mean, I have no doubt that something inappropriate transpired between Adam Levine and at least one of these women, but are the sexts that have been released genuinely from him? I’ve even considered them from the perspective that he may have sent them during or after a drinking or drug taking session (if he uses those substances, and I’m not suggesting in any way that he does! At least that would be less embarrassing as an explanation of the terrible lines he dropped) But I have been both the recipient and sender of sext messages where one party is under the influence of some kind of substance, and they have had greater imagination and inspiration, and, dare I say, class than Adam’s “I may need to see the booty” message.
They seem more like someone has trolled those young women. A catfish perhaps? Someone out to tarnish his name and reputation? Maybe someone who has access to Levine’s social media? Maybe someone who accessed his phone or laptop?
Sadly, it does appear Adam Lavine is the composer of terrible sexts. If he knew they'd be made public perhaps he'd have been more creative, pulled out some imagery and had some clever extended metaphors. I'm embarrassed for him because of his lack of imagination.
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